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Reboot, Again
I have had trouble keeping this blog up consistently. It’s been almost 7 years since my last post. Sometimes I feel like a completely different person since then.
Hunger Games
I read the entire Hunger Games series in a week. I can’t believe it’s already over. It was pretty incredible. I am not quite done processing it to write a review, but I will. I want to get back to blogging but haven’t yet figured out how to make it a habit. More to come […]
Back from the Dead
I’m reviving this blog in the near future. It’s been a crazy year. Trying to figure out what to write and how. More coming soon…
Service Battery
So yesterday I talked about decompressing and what it looks like for me as well as how it’s an integral part of rest. If decompressing is largely focused on giving your brain a break on the amount of information it receives, recharging is filling up your emotional gas tank. It’s doing something that gives you energy again.
So this quarter has been tough. Not because Greek is exceptionally hard. Doing it as an intensive is just a bit demanding. Having one’s brain so thoroughly focused on one thing all the time drains you. As a result, you need to do to things to keep yourself happy and avoid insanity: decompress and recharge. I’m realizing these two are very different things.
Quick Update
Catalyst West was awesome. This week was actually pretty awesome as a whole minus last night’s getting rear ended on the 5 Freeway. I’ve been collecting ideas for blog posts for about a week now. Had a moment of inspiration that spurred the whole thing. So, starting Monday morning, you should see regular posts from me.
Two weeks into the New Testament Greek Intensive and things are pretty crazy. Like really crazy. It’s a back and forth pattern of getting up really early and sleeping in really late. I’ve accidentally figured out that I remember more Greek for the quizzes if I study it all that morning before. What makes that even better is that I can get the homework done faster if I do it that morning as well. So this week, I’ve gotten up around 4 am after going to bed at 9 pm. It gives me plenty of time to do all my work for class and be fairly well rested. By the time I get home, I’m ready for a nap. And I’m not just talking a nap, but a naaaaap.
#OneWord2011: Grow
So thanks to a genius idea from my friend @gritandglory, I’m joining in on a new way to look at New Year’s resolutions. Let’s be honest, they don’t usually work. My original thought was to get so unspecific that it’d be nearly impossible for me to fail. Alece takes it to a new place with One Word 2011.
Californiated Me
For a final project in one of my classes this quarter, I was tasked with doing a creative interpretation of a self portrait or self revelation. I set out to use the images of my life to create this portrait. I gathered all of the photos I’ve taken in California and created the image below (click to enlarge). The majority of the photos are from touristy forays, Ducks games, Disneyland and the like. In the end, however, they do a pretty good job of showing my life since moving to California, enjoy.