Back from the Dead

I’m reviving this blog in the near future. It’s been a crazy year. Trying to figure out what to write and how. More coming soon…

Quick Update

Catalyst West was awesome. This week was actually pretty awesome as a whole minus last night’s getting rear ended on the 5 Freeway. I’ve been collecting ideas for blog posts for about a week now. Had a moment of inspiration that spurred the whole thing. So, starting Monday morning, you should see regular posts from me.

Tick Tock

So, I’m having an issue with this blogging thing. I find myself inspired to blog somewhere between 12–6 pm PT. By the time I get it posted, it’s more like 5 pm PT which makes it 7 pm back home in Texas, 8 on the East Coast and 1 am or later in Europe. I’m […]


Quick post to share a photo from Halloween. I reprised my second best received (I couldn’t find my Tigger suit) costume ever. I’m not sure where I was looking in the picture. Call me Ronald. P.S. If you didn’t read and comment on my blog post yesterday, do it. Right here.

SMS Business Cards?

Thanks to a recent post by @adamwc, I’m trying out Contxts. With Contxts you can send an SMS business card. It’s cheaper than having cards printed, though I did just order a box of 500 a couple weeks ago. Give it a go by txting MRED to 50500.


I can finally post from the iPhone again!! apparently WordPress MU version 2.8.1 had a few major bugs that wouldn’t let me post from my phone or tell me when an upgrade was available. So I missed a few versions. But it’s all good now! Hopefully I’ll blog more now!

New Server

I’ve moved my blog to a new server and switched to WordPress MU to make my life better. So far so good. I’m really liking things here. It’s a lot faster. I hope to do more blogging soon.


Things are changing at is now my portfolio site (currently under construction) and is my personal blog which you are currently reading.  Hope this clears things up.